


1 October 2015

73 screens installed


The Auchan group (Immochan) has opened its new mall ‘Les Saisons de Meaux’ based on relational excellence and digitalization of the customer experience.


Working together in France but also internationally, ViaDirect and Auchan / Immochan have been collaborating on twenty projects during the last two years.


This project represents the largest installation undertaken by ViaDirect in one place: 73 screens were installed combining orientation on multi-touch kiosks, digital signage, and interactive applications dedicated to Immochan.



The mall and the Auchan hypermarket have chosen ViaDirect for the installation of the digital in-store advertising screen, highlighting the mall’s promotions and advertisers’ content. ViaDirect has implemented the BroadSign display solution, a leading expert of Digital signage advertising solutions.


The 47 digital signage screens are placed at strategic locations:

  • Two 55” outdoor totems are installed at the drive. They resist temperature fluctuations, rain, dust, sun, cold and are equipped with a very high luminous screen.
  • Ten 65” indoor totems including six dual-screen totems produced by ViaDirect and spread throughout the mall
  • Eleven 48” screens above supermarket’s checkouts and eighteen 55” screens hanging above the shelves of Auchan hypermarket.


The screens are equipped with a solution to make measurements of audience and behavioral analysis.


The mall features the ‘Aushopping’ label reflecting the values of fun, daring, sharing, and proximity desired by Immochan to create a new vision of trade, physical and digital. In order to offer a different relational approach, the company asked ViaDirect to create several digital installations inspired by the philosophy of wellness in Immochan malls. The installation in ‘Les Saisons de Meaux’ includes:

  • 2 interactive children playgrounds with six 15” multi-touch screens with a wide range of classic games and 2 children “huts” with 46″ screens for cartoon broadcasting
  • 1 relaxation area consisting of a 40” screen broadcasting a series of soothing pictures
  • 2 multi-touch coffee tables for reading various magazines
  • 2 kiosks with filtered internet access and the ‘Pyro Jump’ game, inspired by the successful smartphone game.
  • 1 Game Wall created by ViaDirect for Immochan. The furniture consists of two 7″ multi-touch remotes to play alone or in a 1 vs 1 mode on a big 46” screen facing the players. The first game of the Game Wall is a variation of the famous Tetris and will be followed by others in the coming months.


ViaDirect has produced the furniture, integrated the hardware, and developed the software programs for all these devices.


ViaDirect has produced and installed six 40” wayfinding kiosks. The directories have a totem to catch the visitors’ attention.

This project features the mall wayfinding software designed by ViaDirect to meet the needs of shopping centers:

  • Plan tactile 3D multi-étages guidant les visiteurs en temps réel
  • Search among 100 stores by name or category
  • Mall facilities
  • Restaurants
  • News in Web Services
  • Parkings et Transports
  • Around the mall
  • Promotions in Web Services



The services provided are based on the hardware, software, and expertise that ViaDirect has established for its maintenance services:

  • Systematically installed in our digital furniture, the VDBox’s mission is to ensure electric remote control, data security, supervision of equipment and software, and outsourcing.
  • The VD Monitor software supervises the status of all the equipment and the incident management with geolocation.
  • The Parisian technical department manages dozens of partners in France and Europe to intervene on the clients’ sites. We detect incidents in 2 hours and we solve most of them in one day.


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