

1 November 2015

21 malls equipped by ViaDirect

Immochan, the property management of the Auchan’s shopping malls, has been digitizing its properties since 2013 and has already entrusted 14 malls to ViaDirect in France, Romania, and China.

Immochan trusts ViaDirect once again for the installation and connected services management on digital furniture in the “Auchan Petite Forêt”, “Auchan Côté d’Opale”, “Auchan Louvroil”, “Auchan Saint Sébastien” and ‘Auchan Cognac’ shopping malls:

“Auchan Petite Forêt” mall :

  • 1 interactive children playground with 2 15’’ multi-touch screens with a wide range of classic games and 1 hut with 46’’ screen for cartoon broadcasting
  • 1 Gaming Mall consists of 2 7’’ multi-touch screens to play alone or in a 1 vs 1 mode on a big 46” screen facing the players. The first game of the Gaming Mall is a variation of the famous Tetris and will be followed by others in the coming months
  • A 32’’ portrait totem displaying the mall’s events. ViaDirect created a local back-office managed by the mall, Immochan has also a national back-office for national events


“Auchan Côté d’Opale” mall :

  • 1 relaxation area consisting of a 40” screen broadcasting a series of soothing pictures
  • 1 interactive children playground with 2 15’’ multi-touch screens with a wide range of classic games and a 46’’ screen for cartoon broadcasting
  • 2 kiosks with filtered internet access and statistic use of the software and with the ‘Pyro Jump’ game, inspired by the successful smartphone game
  • 1 32’’ portrait totem displaying the mall’s events
  • 1 Gaming Mall consists of 2 7’’ multi touch screens to play alone or in a 1 vs 1 mode on a big 46” screen facing the players

“Auchan Louvroil”mall :

1 32’’ portrait totem offering the classified ads. The application allows visitors to submit their offer directly to the kiosk or through a dedicated website, accessible on mobile. Once validated, the classified ads are moderated and published. ViaDirect will duplicate this system in other shopping malls later this year, but the ads will remain local, affiliated to a particular shopping center.

  • 1 relaxation area consisting of a 40” screen broadcasting a series of soothing pictures
  • 2 kiosks with internet and games
  • 1 Gaming Mall consists of 2 7’’ multi touch screens to play alone or in a 1 vs 1 mode on a big 46” screen facing the players
  • 1 32’’ portrait totem displaying the mall’s events
  • 1 interactive children playground with 2 15’’ multi-touch screens with a wide range of classic games and a 46’’ screen for cartoon broadcasting

“Auchan Saint Sébastien” mall :

  • 1 interactive children playground with 2 15’’ multi-touch screens with a wide range of classic games and a 46’’ screen for cartoon broadcasting

“Auchan Cognac” mall :

  • 2 kiosks with internet and games
  • 1 Gaming Mall consists of 2 7’’ multi touch screens to play alone or in a 1 vs 1 mode on a big 46” screen facing the players



The services provided are based on the hardware, software, and expertise that ViaDirect has established for its maintenance services:

  • Systematically installed in our digital furniture, the VDBox’s mission is to ensure electric remote control, data security, supervision of equipment and software, and outsourcing.
  • The VD Monitor software supervises the status of all the equipment and the incident management with geolocation.
  • The technical department in Paris manages dozens of partners in France and Europe to work on the clients’ sites. We detect incidents in 2 hours and we solve most of them in one day.


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Orientation ultra-connectée avec ViaDirect

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