


1 May 2016
Nantes, FRANCE

ViaDirect digitizes offices of SNCF


After equipping the SNCF’s digital division in Saint-Denis, ViaDirect guides and informs 150 employees who are actively working on innovative projects of the French Group.

The R&D in digital of the SNCF revolves around a project called “574” (corresponding to the highest speed reached by a TGV): it concerns offices for digital project teams, and startup incubators as well as expertise centers.

In the coming weeks, ViaDirect will install its wayfinding and interactive information solution in the SNCF’s digital division in Toulouse, always adapting to the needs of the building typology.


ViaDirect has adapted tailored its software VD Building to the Nantes digital pole of SNCF:

  • Orientation in real-time multi-floor, with a way oriented in the user’s point of view
  • Search for rooms by name, number, stage, etc.
  • Display of events in Web Services
  • Search by name of a colleague, or by project and way to the concerned person
  • Display of external contents: transports and real-time travel times (bus, subways, trains, bikes, taxis, planes)
  • Restaurant, gardens, and shops nearby
  • Localization of SNCF campus nearby
  • Ecosystem information (schools, conferences …)
  • Direct access to the interface menu next to the service counter, cafeteria, and showroom
  • Guest Book: consultation and filing an opinion before publication

Responding to the multichannel strategy of SNCF, ViaDirect has developed a mobile App, offering to users the same functionalities as the interactive kiosk directly on their mobiles and tablets. The three supports are perfectly synchronized and all data updates are automatically managed by the back office.


ViaDirect has installed 1 kiosk ‘Lémurien’ from our exclusive ViaDirect catalog. Combining design and comfort, the kiosk has a bright yellow LED lines on the side and respects wishes of strength and durability in the corporate offices.



ViaDirect from the technical center of Paris supervises in real-time operation of the 770 kiosks installed worldwide. Technical support acquired after 7 years of exploitation allows us to offer in standard a support incident to H+2.


Trouvez facilement votre chemin dans le centre commercial de Sandton City :

Sandton City shopping center recently installed kiosks and a mobile map. Thanks to ViaDirect's wayfinding solutions, it is now possible
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